


Do You Matter?: How Great Design Will Make People Love Your Company

You know that design is on everyone’s mind—it’s almost a mantra. You see a new product a car, an iPod, or the latest cutting-edge cell phone—and you might think that a fairly straightforward process was […]

Oct, 09

Visual Grammar (Design Briefs)

Every day we are confronted with vast amounts of visual messages, but without a basic under- standing of visual language many of these messages remain incomprehensible to us, and a productive dialogue between producers and […]

Sep, 11

Graphic Design Solutions

Graphic Design Solutions remains the most comprehensive how-to reference on graphic design and advertising for print and interactive media, intended to serve as a foundation for a graphic design and advertising design education. Theory and […]

Sep, 05

Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids

A grid is used to organize space and information for the reader; it maps out a plan for the overall project. In addition, a grid is a holding pen for information and a way to […]

Aug, 10

Layout Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Building Pages in Graphic Design

Design is the visual synthesis of ideas. It captures thought and language, transforming them anew. Design also commands the imagination and intellect, creates connections, fosters under- standing, and provides meaning. Compelling examples of visual communication […]

Aug, 06

Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Guide to the Language, Applications, and History of Graphic Design

It is both painful and cathartic to admit this in print and in the very first sentence of our introduction: This book is one of the hardest, most challenging, and most stressful projects we’ve undertaken. […]

Aug, 06

The Elements of Graphic Design

Most design education is concerned with combining and sometimes inventing bits of content. It concerns relation- ships of forms and almost always overlooks the critically important part of the design that goes unnoticed: the background […]

Aug, 06


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