

Posts Tagged "Princeton"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Princeton".

Visual Grammar (Design Briefs)

Every day we are confronted with vast amounts of visual messages, but without a basic under- standing of visual language many of these messages remain incomprehensible to us, and a productive dialogue between producers and […]

Sep, 11

By Its Cover: Modern American Book Cover Design

Is the printed book destined for eventual extinction? Is the thoughtfully designed book cover approaching obsolescence? The availability of ebooks has indeed increased, and print-on-demand technology will likely change the way books are marketed and […]

Aug, 18

How to Be a Graphic Designer without Losing Your Soul

I love being a designer. I love thinking about ideas freely and observing them taking shape: I love working concentratedly on a project all day. losing myself in the work, and, even after having been […]

Aug, 06

Paul Rand: Conversations with Students

“Design is the manipulation of form and content….Content is the idea, or subject matter. Form is what you do with this idea. How do I deal with it? Do I use color? Do I use […]

Aug, 05


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