Check out all of the posts tagged with "Basics".
Design is the visual synthesis of ideas. It captures thought and language, transforming them anew. Design also commands the imagination and intellect, creates connections, fosters under- standing, and provides meaning. Compelling examples of visual communication […]
Despite its title, this book will not provide the reader with a recipe to think like some of the most accomplished graphic designers of our time. Consider it instead a glimpse into the minds of […]
Most design education is concerned with combining and sometimes inventing bits of content. It concerns relation- ships of forms and almost always overlooks the critically important part of the design that goes unnoticed: the background […]
Peter G. Rowe applied the term “design thinking’ to architecture in 1987. More recently, Tom Kelley, Tim Brown, and their colleagues at the design firm IDEO have developed comprehensive techniques for framing problems and generating […]
If you really want to become a graphic designer, ask yourself this: Do you know what is expected and how to meet those expectations? If the answer is no, this book may be useful. If […]
What jump-started the return to a more minimal philosophy? The visual pendulums natural swing is a likely cause; After a decade of distended. layered, filtered, fragmented, disordered, and reassembled graphics, people want something fresh. The […]
How do designers get ideas? Some places they look are design annuals and monographs, searching for clever combinations of forms, fonts, and colors to inspire their projects. For students and professionals who want to dig […]