There are many theories on when and how Cardious De Business first evolved into its current state of being. This tome does not explore that question as much as it covers the various species and makeup of such an interesting hand-to-hand form of communication.
In an age of impersonal interaction, the rarity of fine examples of this elusive creature make it. as some might say. an endangered species. With great revelry we have scoured a global collection of samples that include some of the most hottious designious specimens seen in years.
Our experimental research may open your eyes to ideas that you may not have yet explored, ideas that may make you shout in agony bv the sheer brilliance. Whatever your response, each of these specimens has a unique personality and makeup that in its environment creates a reaction, a conversation, or an impression.
We applaud those who participated in this adventure and hope that you enjoy this exhibit as much as we have delighted in curating it.