Thinking about the first package ever, we imagine a burly, premedieval nomad, nursing a mug of mead by a smoldering fire, gloomily pondering the prospect of leaving behind what’s left of his hard-won roasted wild boar. Necessity called for invention, and packaging was born.
In those early days, package design was limited to the hollowing out of a gourd or the drying of an animal pelt.
As centuries passed, paper, wood, ceramic, bronze, and iron all served their time as packaging materials.
In the early 1900s, scientists realized that sealing food in tin extended the life of the product. Food manufacturers realized that tinned food would sell better if it had their name on it. As marketing and printing techniques advanced, designers began to examine the effect of typography and decorative design on product sales, and they were pleased with the results.
For today’s package designer, creativity knows no bounds. There are limitless technologies, resources, and skills that can be applied to the design of packages to great effect. Every great designer knows that in each package design project there is opportunity-an opportunity that must be searched for, battled for, wrestled to the ground, and ceremoniously won.
The designer’s mastery of package design skills such as typography, colour, design pattern, photography, and illustration are called upon in this encounter, but equally so is the ability to connect the product and consumer through an idea.
The package designer’s idea-generation process is complex.
It is a tennis game between the practical and the impossible, the emotions and the logical, the tried and true, and the wild, new frontier. It is a precarious balance of opposites designed to engage consumers consciously and unconsciously. The designers will inevitably consider the experience of the package and the unveiling of the product inside.
This book makes the case that great design is inspired design. It is filled with examples of inspiring package design, design features, applications, and useful tips. You will see the work of those who followed the rules of design to the letter and of those who broke the rules with abandon. Designing for packaging is painstakingly hard work. The reward of which is not just a package that entices consumers to pick up, sniff, examine, and ultimately buy. but a powerful brand experience that ensnares a consumer’s loyalty for life.